A Radical New Way to View Oneself
Chapter 9 Uses and Benefits
So what is a True Mirror good for? Figuring this out has turned out to be just as challenging as perfecting the optics. Over time, Walter identified more than 20 applications that are possible, but some are so brand new that the world still is not ready for them.
At the core is the profound idea that the person looking back from the True Mirror is an accurate representation, and in contrast, the person looking back from mirrors really is different from what is real. Close, yes, but it’s missing key elements of who we are, how we are, and how we express ourselves. It’s tends to be static, not animated, as we are in real life.
The science on this is not in yet, but these are the findings from sharing this experience with more than 30,000 people. While not everyone sees it, when they do, it is unmistakable – it’s really a true to life version looking back from the True Mirror!
As this is proven to be true, imagine the following uses, some which are already happening:
• Every individual can use it for more self-awareness, self-understanding, self-growth, clarity, intention, empathy, empowerment and so much more. It continues to contribute insights over a lifetime, in the moment, every moment.
• Early use in childhood would enable the child to develop in new, clear and exciting ways, some not even imagined now. Being connected with the full energy of childhood, and not shut down by mirrors at an early age – what would that be like?
• At the beauty salon, being able to converse naturally with your stylist and yourself in the True Mirror, seeing how your hair actually appears, and not having to stare at your backwards self for 45 minutes (have you ever noticed how shut down people are when getting styled?)
• At the store or at home, choosing your outfit to fit your visible personality and current mood. Seeing what look really works for you, and which looks you can really make work.
• (There’s also a nifty optics trick where if you put a backwards mirror behind you, and look into the True Mirror, you can see your back completely without twisting)
• Eye glass stores –again seeing how a pair of glasses accents your existing look and attitudes
• Artists doing the self-portrait study – by reflecting natural expressions in 3D, the results are remarkably more lifelike (#truemirrorselfportraits)
• In the case of recovering from trauma, the empathy and compassion that can come from the true mirror can be astonishing. It’s possible to fully and continuously cry out emotions without judgement and criticism
• In some ways, the mirror itself has traumatized all of us, we just don’t know it. There are likely many self-negating beliefs that we carry that are coming from our early and continual interactions with our doppelganger in the mirror. What have each of us said to ourselves in our formative years (or even just today?) that is counter to our true nature because we can’t see it in the mirror? Perhaps we can heal from regularly seeing our true reflection: what we actually do look like, how we actually do act, how others actually do see us?
• Dance and yoga studios – with a single True Mirror in a corner with extended width to 10 feet, the entire studio can see themselves in the same mirror, in 3D, with full posture feedback, grace, and even expressions. Energetically, the dance can be more animated, more personable, and a good practice for performing live. For yoga, the continuity of self would be beneficial as well as for form.
• Gyms – Possible to balance form more easily, since any asymmetry is immediately apparent. Also, there is exceptional definition and 3D being reflected. Plus, it’s not the doppelganger looking back it’s you, fierceness and all as you work out!
Turns out there’s even more places, like chiropractic and posture restoration, retail display, science museums and classes, and even as a decoration,
But at the end of the day, it’s really the personal aspects of the true reflection that is the story of True Mirrors. Its novelty and physical uses are interesting, but the effect on human consciousness can and will be profound.
We are the world’s premier intelligent species, and now for the first time, we can see what that looks like within ourselves. It’s almost exactly what the Bible was talking about:
For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known.
Or more clearly (the Amplified Bible version):
For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God]
It’s all possible
John Walter
March 2020